Monday, March 14, 2011

6.2 customer profile

  1. Age: 31
  2. Sex: f
  3. Marital status: single
  4. Level of education: post graduate
  5. Career: art/sales/teaching
  6. Salary: low
  7. The location of work: Richmond,VA
  8. Living location: Richmond,VA
  9. Leisure activities: walking, museums, farmer markets, picnics, movies, painting, bars at night
2. Lifestyle: mostly walking in the neighborhood but occasional traveling for teaching, visiting, or leisure activities, has a car but rarely uses it, rents alone a not renovated house in an old restored boutique shopping district in urban south.

3. Physical Characteristics: tall, belly. Skinny arms and leg, big hair, no heels 

4. Psychographics: sappy romantic who doesn’t want to settle down and get married. Doesn’t know if she wants kids 

5. Social Class: bohemian lower middle class  

6. Social Behavior: starving artist  

7.Values and Attitudes: occasional dater, serial unrequited crusher, almost always single and fine with it, confident, a little country, a little hip hop

8. Economics: lives off student loans, meager part time job salary

9.Religion raised catholic, hates church, claims no religion, not really atheist or agnostic either though.

10. competitor: anyone who sells relatively cheep clothes made by hand or in fare labor conditions out of organic materials. mostly online companies and a rare cheap boutique.

Ali's comments:
Very nicely developed - really gives a strong feel for who the customer is - do try to always reflect the profile as a group rather then an individual only - in age group, locations etc.

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