Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Intro to my class.

I’ve been living in Richmond, VA for a year and a half and love it! This is my second to last semester at AAU (fingers crossed). I'm working on my MFA in abstract painting and drawing. I've been taking fashion courses because I love fashion as an artifact of humanity. I love how clothes both express to the world who a person is, but also literally cover up the person. I took Fashion Illustration and History of 20th Century Fashion Arts previously, and last semester I did a sketchbooking directed study where I drew 10 pages a day to gain confidence in my mark making, looking, seeing, recording, and drawing in public, and to destroy my anxiety with the blank page.

I'm taking this class for directed study credit. I do sew occasionally (very poorly) and have some sweet machines and and a grotesque fabric collection, but I have no interest in being under the pressure and bound by the business guidelines of the industry. I am taking this class to draw more and learn things that I can apply to my work, and hopefully to get access to more Gladys Perint Palmer’s demo videos. Based on the tiny amount I know of her, she’s my idol!!!

My final project at AAU will be 15 paintings at least 32”x48” referencing the figure and fashion but with no obligation to make anything look like anything. But for myself to feel like a “master of fine art” it’s important to keep honing my ability to control my marks and illustrate on purpose, as well.
In this class, I think I’m going to design a collection for myself. I am in fashion transition. Two years ago I was in my twenties and lived in small, hippy, mountain town (citywide favorite color: tie dye) and contra danced 3-4 nights a week so I wore lots of light twirly, flowy, girly dresses, tons of ruffles and tiers and vintage 50’s. Now I’m in my 30’s and live in a very urban edgy and bike-able city (citywide favorite color: faded black). Plus I have looked at literally every single garment that went down a high-end runway last year so I basically hate all of my clothes. I’m single, and frankly I am sick of 22 year olds thinking it’s ok to have a crush on me so I want to create a line that is fun and interesting but also not young (or old). I want to look my age. Not that the clothes will ever physically exist but it will give me a chance to figure out what I want.

I’m excited and hungry and ready to get on with it!

Nice to meet all of you!

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