Monday, April 18, 2011

10.1:Let me hold your crown, babe.

This collection juxtaposes visual structure against easy wearablilty. The fabrics are stretch denims and jerseys, breathable, comfortable, classic. A woman can wear these clothes and look put together but also move around and be active and productive in a busy life. The clothes are simple but fun. The inspiration started with the song "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles and branched out from the imagery I derived from the song. The pieces could be easily mixed and matched for many more outfits. The red and gold fabrics are shiny and they look more like the color swatches at a diagonal angle. So shooting it head on makes the colors not match. I just wanted to address it because it annoys me.

 Ali's comments:
The project has come out nice - i really love the mood board with the artsy feel to it and the collection shows a nice balance of creativity and restraint. Your flats have really improved though some minor technical mistakes like fly seams. I also really like the super flat rendering of the garments though i don't think that effect translates well to skin and hair - I think an exact opposite (very loose skin/hair rendering) combined with very flat precise clothing might give interesting results.

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